You Are The Mystery You Question 👉 On Your Eternal Nature

You Are The Mystery You Question 👉 On Your Eternal Nature
I would like to comprehend my eternal nature more fully...

You experience eternity every day.

Can you remember not existing? Of course not. Because you have always existed. You are an embodiment of Source.

You are lusting for knowledge that is already within you.

You are the thing you wish to comprehend more fully.

Your experience in physicality does not make you any more or less eternal. Your body wears thin in a reality with strong tendencies toward decay. Permeating beliefs about the energy encapsulated in matter – beliefs about entropy and loss in created systems – limit your ability to persist in this physical reality for an indefinite period of time.

But you have heard stories of those with alternate beliefs, who persist much longer than other embodied beings. They are accessing their own eternal nature in a very tangible way.

As memory structures, they have offered to remain in physicality as anchors and conveyors of specialized and prized knowledge – depth of skill in maintaining life force. They work in harmony with their eternal self and their temporal form. It is a state beyond the interest of most but within reach for some. The technicalities of physicality are subtle yet definite. They must be of interest and priority to be comprehended.

For there is much "spiritual understanding" that affects the life force of the body.

You will continue to peruse the infinite, embodied or not, since you are of an infinite nature – but to maintain a continuous memory structure and have access to the knowledge and wisdom you have gained thus far – you will be inhabiting states of consciousness where you are not singular.

Memory structures are connected so at certain levels of awareness you are aware of other "yous" and you "remember" their memories as you remember your own. You are unique and each life is unique but the information and experience gained in each one is not segmented.

You live each life as you but from a different perspective each time. Each life expands what is and the memories created are yours but you are multiple in a way that is very difficult for you to understand while you are individuated in a body in a specific time-space reality.

You are both the creator and the creation.

"We" are "you" in a different perspective, with access to more of the Universal memory structure, and "you" as Aubrey in 2024, are receptive enough to meet with our emanations and translate them to words in your dialect. It is through your practiced attunement with spiritual realms that you become comfortable enough with this type of information to be able to receive it and indeed "learn" directly from Self.

It is our wish to convey to you the concepts that will be the most helpful and practical for you, now. Your reaching questions do not always fall into this category. And we still wish to convey answers to you, for all is of benefit, but we would say, allow for your answers to be revealed when your consciousness is most ripe and ready to receive them.

Allow also for the practice of unconditional love to reveal what you have not even thought to ask yet.

Your Universe spins around you and offers more wonder than you even notice. The eternal made temporal, existing all at once but able to be ONE at the same time. You are it. You are the mystery you question.

We are with you and we support your exploration, always.

You are without end. Let your nature be revealed to you and you will know it.

About this message: In my nightly meditation ritual, I pose the question, "what does my eternal self wish me to know?" It's an attempt to connect with my truer self, the one beyond personality and cultural conditioning, the one who is and was and is to come – what some would call "the soul." Through automatic writing, the response is relayed without conscious attention and as much authenticity of feeling as possible. The messages often surprise me or alter my perspective deeply. They are always filled with love and assurance, which I have had a hard time finding in this life.

Listen to the Audio Version

Did you know that repetition is one of the most powerful ways to change your beliefs? Listen to the recorded version of this message a few times and you'll find the words repeating in your mind on their own, slowly changing your unconscious programming.

🙏 I love you.

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I love you, I love you, I love you
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