I Love You, I Love You, I Love You

*I Love You* as Mantra

I was sitting next to Birch in a white chair in Reno in a renovated Church that was now serving as an event space. There was a meditation section of the talk we were listening to and in my mind all I could hear was, "I love you." Repeating over and over. "I love you, I love you, I love you," like 400 times. It pressed on me.

Ever since then I've used this mantra in times of joy and in times of despair. Sometimes when I'm driving and I'm super bored. I just tell myself, "I love you." I tell plants, "I love you." I think of all the people I love or don't particularly care for, and I tell them, "I love you." Puts me in a different head space.

It's harder in times of nervous system assault, but it helps then too. "I love you." It's something to focus on when reality is ripping you apart. And if you're into any form of self-discovery, reality will sometimes do that.

It works like dripping water – slowly and surely.

After the warm-up – a few years of this practice – I started asking more specifically, what my "soul" wished me to know (soul is such an individuated word). I used automatic writing to reveal the answers. This secondary practice, has been the catalyst for a shock-and-awe show of personal truth, and a bounty of good fortune that I still don't feel "deserving" of. My real time experience of life, myself and others continues to expand into uncharted territories of fun and special-ness. I basically want to share this golden feeling, and get to know it more in the process. This "in-love" feeling, where what you want and what you have are the same thing. Where no matter what's happening, it's okay.

The youtube videos are the current art form – a way to share the messages I get when I ask my eternal self what I'm ready to know. They are a source of comfort and a method of reprogramming my thoughts/beliefs/life. And they're meant to do the same for you. A stepping stone on the path toward more love.